UNDERSTANDING EID (FESTIVAL) IN ISLAM For every group of people irrespective of their religious, political, racial or ethnic inclination, there is always something worthy of celebration, a time to celebrate and a way of celebrating. This is why man celebrates and announces what he values to the world. To the Darwinist/Atheist nothing remains valuable other than freedom, independence, anniversary...the list is endless as it depends on whatever appeals to the deprived mind and poses to fill the vacuum created by lack of believe in God. Cultures and religions no matter how baseless, illogical or laughable their creed appears to be also celebrate the core values and significant periods of their culture and religion. This is why gods/goddesses are celebrated worldwide even if the said god is cow, snake, river or even an imaginary or assumed being. Christians celebrate the brutal, merciless and inhuman murder of their personal Lord and saviour-Jesus Christ. Hinduists, Buddhists, Taoists as...