For every group of people irrespective of their religious, political, racial or ethnic inclination, there is always something worthy of celebration, a time to celebrate and a way of celebrating. This is why man celebrates and announces what he values to the world. To the Darwinist/Atheist nothing remains valuable other than freedom, independence, anniversary...the list is endless as it depends on whatever appeals to the deprived mind and poses to fill the vacuum created by lack of believe in God.
Cultures and religions no matter how baseless, illogical or laughable their creed appears to be also celebrate the core values and significant periods of their culture and religion. This is why gods/goddesses are celebrated worldwide even if the said god is cow, snake, river or even an imaginary or assumed being. Christians celebrate the brutal, merciless and inhuman murder of their personal Lord and saviour-Jesus Christ. Hinduists, Buddhists, Taoists as well as other worshippers of the created beings celebrate proudly their proclaimed/assumed gods/goddesses as dictated by their beliefs, myth and superstitions.
Islam, the divine way of life, the path of peace in this world and the hereafter, the only religion that remains infallible historically and scientifically, the religion that nourishes in the best way both the body and the soul, cannot afford to neglect the aspect of celebration. Thus, Anas the son of Malik narrated: ‘The Prophet arrived Madina while the people had two days of festival in which the play so he said: ‘Verily Almighty Allah has given you in replacement two days that are better-The day of Fitr and the day of Ad-ha’ (Authentic, Nasai and Ibn Hibban). The prophet also said: ‘Indeed for every group of people there is a festival and indeed today is our festival’. (Bukhari and Muslim). The prophet also allowed the Muslims to engage in lawful play and amusement during the Eid as he said: ‘Let the Jews of Madina know that there is space (for play and amusement in our religion, verily I have been sent with an easy monotheistic faith’. (Fat-hul Bari).
Thus, Islam replaced atheism-the believe in the non existence of God; Paganism-the worship of creatures including stars, moon, sun, trees, rivers, human beings living or dead ( such as Jesus, Buddha, Sango...); angels, Jins, animals or their images with the worship of the One and Only True God, Lord of the universe. Islam also replaced the pagan festivals with that Islam.
Man and Jinn were created to utilise the resources in the heaven and earth not just for material or mundane purposes but primarily to serve the Creator of all. Worship to God is the purpose of life on earth. The Quran says: ‘And I have not created the Jin and Man except that they should worship Me’. This is why worshipping Allah and attaining His pleasure remains the ultimate goal of a Muslim is life. The various acts of worship ranging from Solat to Hajj are all meant ti attain the pleasure of Almighty God.
However, the temptation of Shaytan often leads man to disobedience and sin. He seldom abandon the obligatory or takes the non obligatory with levity due to his quest for the bounties of this life. The All-Merciful Lord has therefore orchestrated for him a month in a year to motivate, train and get him acquainted with the acts of worship as well as the rewards therein.
Ramadan is a religious obligation and a divine opportunity. A time to turn a new leaf and improve spiritually. Upon the completion of this religious obligation, the individual Muslim is expected to have:
Tawbah: sincere repentance from all sins.
Rabaniyah: being Godly-he now finds it easy to perform the obligatory acts including:
The five daily solat
Fasting the month of Ramadan
Goodness to parents, children, wife, husband etc.).
Have a regular schedule of non obligatory acts including:
Rawatib-solat before and after 5 daily prayers.
Qiyamu lael-solat observed at night while people are asleep.
Sadaqat- non obligatory alms
Adhkar-Sayings of remembrance of Allah
Quran recitation
Listening to lectures etc.
The Muslim after Ramadan must therefore be determined to move closer to his Lord. Summarily, he is now a pious Muslim conscious of his duties to his Lord, himself, his parents, wife/husband, children, relatives, friends, neighbours, tribe, nation and the world at large. Allah says in the Glorious Quran: ‘O you who believe We have made fasting compulsory for you as was for those before you, so that you may be pious’. (Q2 V 183).
And May the peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our noble prophet Muhammad, his household his companions and those who follows him till the Day of Judgement.
JUNE 27, 2017       2ND OF SHAWAL 1438 A.H.


  1. May Allah bless the Author and accept it as an act of ibaadah, this is the best write-up during Muslim festival. Keep it up.


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